it really does take a village
The Project
Say "Yes" to Safe Sex is a positive campaign built to empower women and girls to make healthier lifestyle decisions that impact their sexual and reproductive health. It aims to promote sexual wellness and education in our communities in order to mitigate the need or dependency on emergency methods such as Plan B pills, Abortion methods and reduces the need for drugs targeted towards the emergency treatment of contracted STDs/STIs in non-emergency situations.
In a time where women's rights and access to sexual and reproductive health services are being denied; it is of paramount importance to raise the stakes on education and heightening awareness on how every woman can empower herself. It will mean that our women and girls will need more access to information, tools, and resources that matter to her health. This also means that we should not necessarily isolate who gets these resources but also make them available to male counterparts so they too can develop habits and make safer sexual choices that protect our women and girls.
Why Sex-Ed Matters in 2022
Whichever side of the fence you're sitting on regarding Roe vs Wade, the crux of the matter is that women's sexual and reproductive health is a national priority and one that we should all place emphasis on, supported by policy and financially backed by sound programs that deliver for women and girls nationally and globally. Women's health equates to community wellness and speaks volumes of a forward thinking society that prioritizes quality health and more specifically is in-tuned to what women need in order to be well. When women lack the healthcare they need; it impacts their personal health and that of their children and partners but can ultimately impact a larger community and even places at risk, things like education, public safety and public health.
Black women are disproportionately more infected with STDs/STIs and severely under-diagnosed.
Black women are 5X more likely to get abortions and hispanic women are 2X more likely to do so than white women.
STDs/STIs are more readily transmitted from the woman to the man than from the man to the woman.
Chlamydia and gonorrhea are two of the leading preventable causes of infertility and ectopic pregnancies in the world.
How We're
We are making a difference when we stop to talk to just one woman but we want to connect with and talk to more than just one woman. We want to touch a whole community of women and influence them and together build healthier communities where women are invested in.
We decided to...
How You Can
Help Us
Make A Difference
We can all step up in various ways to help make a difference. Sometimes is not that easy to know where to start or if you input can make a dent. We have make it a bit easier to find your comfort spot by detailing the many ways you can help us touch more women across Chicago's West Side.