it really does take a village

Hey There
Fun Fact About Me: I was one of the original grandmothers of Grandmother Park Initiative-a grass roots effort to provide a park for an underserved community where they were instrumental in raising over $250,000 to build an accessible tot lot for an underserved area of Evanston.
About Me
Meet Mary, a Professor of Intercultural Communication and Conflict Transformation at the Department of Communication Arts at North Park University. Mary brings unique insights to the organization that will help us frame our work and dialogue around conflict resolution approaches, social change, and cultural competencies.
She has served as presenter and consultant for many churches and organizations on matters ranging from: Survivors of Historical Trauma; Diversity Issues for Health Care Workers; Culture and Conflict; and Interracial Marriage.
Mary attended Northwestern University, Evanston where she earned a PhD in Communication Studies and her dissertation focused on: Conflict and Community: The Discourse of Violence Prevention. Mary earned her MA from The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico - in Rehabilitation Counseling where she was the recipient of New Mexico Department of Vocational Rehabilitation scholarship for graduate study. She attended the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois where she earned a BA, in Interdisciplinary Studies in psychology, sociology, and religion- and graduated with honors for field project at California Medical Facility, Vacaville, CA.